Monday, May 18, 2015


SOLUS is a wonderful animation project by Identity Visuals.

There not much i'm gonna say about it since the video can tell you all that you need, I'm just gonna say this

prepare to be moved.

This amazingly simplistic story takes us on an emotion roller coaster.

Great Artist: Gigi D.G.

Great Artist: Gigi D.G.

This time we showcase a great artist that also happens to have a webcomic named Cucumber Quest.
This comic has an awesome voiceover by JelloApocalypse.

Funny and expressive Gigi D.G. is an outstanding Artist.

Source: Gigi D.G.

Great Artist: Gashi Gashi

Great Artist: Gashi Gashi

If you are looking for a really expressive style, Gashi Gashi is the artist you are looking for.

Incredibly Expressive and colorful Gashi Gashi can make you smile with just a picture that's why we feature a piece here:

Great Artist: Gasho Gashi

This Pokemon Drawing Speaks for Itself.
You can find More Artwork Here

Unreal 4

If we talk about Game Engines Unity seemed to be the only Option among Game Developers, but recently Unreal 4 realised it's engine for free as well.

We can clearly see the power of Unreal and even without the feature trailer, Unreal has a name for more advanced video game developers.

This is a great move from Unreal since it helps people learn and use their engine.

Unity is a simple engine, made for beginners but Unreal let's you practice with a full on powerful game engine and that's golden for any aspiring game developer.

more info here

Unity 5

Unity 5 is the newest rendition of the popular video game engine, Unity is known for it's availability to starting game developers and while most of the games that come out of it are usually not particularly great due to the same availability, there nothing stoping Unity from being a great engine.

As seen in this showcase we see how Unity can handle high level graphics and a big quantity of polygons.

Another advantage about Unity is the fact that there's an active community that can help you out as you develop your game, tutorials are all over the place.

So if you are starting in the Game Development business Unity is a great Tool for you. you can fin more Here

Steam Greenlight Trash

There's a lot to say about Steam, and apparently it's program Greenlight has a reputation of producing what some would call Steam Greenlight Trash.

Steam being the biggest digital video game retailer opened the floodgates and gave everyone the opportunity to create and sell games on their platform.

This sounds awesome more indies and opportunities outside of the publisher route of selling games.

But sadly not all games are up to par and games that could hardly be called that get into steam, for most of the users these games become digital laughing stocks.

here's one video of the popular series by Jim Sterling, where he showcases the worst of Greenlight.

If you wish to see more of these trailers you can find it here

Avengers S6

What's Avengers S6? well apparently Samsung is getting on the success of the latest Marvel Movie in order to create a product based on the popular characters.

Thus joining forcer with Marvel, Samsung plans to create more than just a product for comic fans.

You can find more info in the official website

And the Mods Continue

And the Mods Continue, weeks after the whole controversy happened in the modding scene we've heard all sort of opinions, good opinions, bad opinions.

But have we heard from the actual modding community?

Well that's the question Totalbiscuit asks in this lengthy by informative video about the whole modding controversy.

In here he talks with two veterans of the scene and some secret industry practice are revealed.

Great Artist: Endling

Great Artist: Endling

Here I showcase some talented artist pieces. In these case Endling is the one  with an interesting character design and a pretty colorful style overall.

I'll let the piece to for itself. you can check more of Endling's work here

source: endling

The Witcher III hype

Gamers are happily riding the Witcher III hype train. Being one of the most anticipated games, and with release date closing in and review copies already out, the hype is nearing it's climax.

But what could hype us up more than a Trailer for the game, and here's the one for The Witcher III

A Trailer by their own hardly produce hype anymore, we've been burned as gamers more than once by cinematic trailers, but when it comes to a game that we already know it can deliver and it seems to be good across the board, well that's where these shine.

I believe the Witcher III is a perfect example of how it's done.

Harry Shearer quits The Simpsons.

Harry Shearer quits The Simpsons after years of voicing your favourite characters.

Harry Shearer quits The Simpsons
half the simpsons

He's voiced iconic characters like Mr. Burns, Smothers, Ned Flanders among others.

In his twitter Shearer said that the resin for the decision was not about money but about the freedom to work on others projects.

Harry Shearer quits The Simpsons

Steam Mod Controversy

The Steam Mod Controversy is what we can call the days where the biggest game retailer Steam released it's new plan to charge for Mods.

As we previously talked about, Mods are created by the users thus are free, but Steam offered what appeared to be a way to make modders get paid for what they do.

This was not well received by the audience.

John Bain a.k.a Totalbiscuit does a great job explaining what this change means and why the backlash existed in his series content patch where he talks about video games news.

Behind Hotel Transylvania 2 Teaser

If you ever wanted to know what lies behind Hotel Transylvania 2 Teaser, we have good news for you, since Sony Animation released the first part of it's behind the scenes of the teaser trailer.

If you enjoy digital animation you've probably heard about Hotel Transylvania, and if you liked the first movie you probably know abut the sequel.

As previously mentioned Sony Animation released a teaser trailer.

Following that the first video of a three part series where Mike Kurinsky talks about the details in it's production.

Game Mods

Game Mods are a very important part of PC Gaming, and can be explained more easily as User Created Content for a game.

It means users can modify the existing game and create their own version for other users to play with.
This of course results in all sorts of crazy stuff going on.

Here's just two example of GTAV mods that talk for themselves.

Game Mods GTAV Seagull
The Seagull life chose me...

Game Mods GTAV Cat
like all cats do
here's the video for the cat Mod.

Suffice to say Mods add something else to Gaming, they expand a game's lifespan and create different experiences from a game. 

Hell some of the most popular games have their origins in Mods.

Here's more examples of Mods:


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Loved filled Ruto by Alulle

Loved filled Ruto by Alulle

This Loved filled Ruto is a drawing by Alulle .

In this blog you'll get to see the different drawings made by Alulle and you'll get to hear my opinions and rants about video games, animation, and Art.